What is a Scientific Calculator? – An Introduction

scientific calculator

What is a Scientific Calculator? – An Introduction

Human beings always needed some tool to help them with calculations. They used different methods to make it easy for themselves. How did calculators evolve into their modern form? Abacus was the very first calculator that was developed by Sumerians about 2500BC. It can be called a rudimentary calculator because it could do sum and subtractions. It had stones attached in the form of columns, joined by strings. This device couldn’t be used for multiplication and division. What is a Scientific Calculator? The scientific calculator is a modern and one of the most sophisticated forms of the calculator. It can make different calculations that are not possible using a simple calculator. mycalcu – Online Calculator tells the story of a scientific calculator. 

A Calculator

A calculator is a device that is used to make calculations. Previously we had different forms of it. What makes it an ideal gadget is its use for convenience. It can do large sums in a little while. Traditional calculators have evolved over time, and we have more sophisticated gadgets that can do more than doing sums. 

The initial changes to the modern calculator were the changes in size and the number of digits that it could handle. The portability of the calculator was the main concern of the innovators then. It was reduced to pocket size. And later, it accommodated a number of features in this small size. The number of functions in calculators matter, and this makes some distinct from others. 

The main purpose of a calculator is calculations, and the more sophistication it uses in doing them would make it ideal. Modern scientific calculators are an example that is different from others because of the attributes they have. 

Evolution and Modern Forms

Calculator evolved from a simple one to a complex one based on functions. A simple calculator can only do four basic arithmetic operations. In contrast, a scientific calculator can work on scientific notation, log functions, floating-point arithmetic, exponential functions, etc. 

These functions are added using the addition of programs to the scientific calculator. It is no longer simply operated. Rather there is software that runs it and makes it work for a great number of scientific and math problems. These forms are further evolving, and different forms of the calculator are coming to market. One of these is a graphing calculator. 

Scientific Calculator

A scientific calculator is a multi-function gadget that has more features than simple calculators. It has more than four or five functions. These features might vary based on the model and the manufacturer of the calculator. But the majority of scientific calculators have more standard four functions. The scientific calculator can solve problems for you that might be of various backgrounds like engineering, math, and science. Unlike a simple calculator, a scientific calculator doesn’t make calculations in bits and chunks. Rather it works on them as a whole and gives you the answer. 

The physical appearance of a scientific calculator varies from a standard calculator. It has more buttons, and the screen looks different. Each of the keys in a scientific calculator has a distinct function. Their function can also be varied and might have more than one function. 

What makes the extra buttons special in the scientific calculator are the features that they offer. You can solve problems like trigonometry, Pi problems, logs, probability etc. using a scientific calculator.  

The Development

The development of scientific calculators can be traced back to the development of a standard calculator. It was the result of adding features to the standard one that we have scientific ones now. It is differentiated from standard and business calculators based on the features that it has. Science and math problems can’t be solved with the aforementioned two calculators. The solution to it is a scientific calculator. 

As said earlier, scientific calculators didn’t come all of a sudden into the market. They were the result of the evolution of standard calculators. The very first scientific calculator that can be traced back in history is the HP-9100A. It was released in 1968. Other calculators that can be compared with it because of the scientific features are Wang LOCI-2 and Mathatron by Mathatronics. 

HP’s model was programmable and could be used for a number of problems. It had discrete transistor logic, freeing it from the need for integrated circuits. Its first use was for the CORDIC log’s solution. HP was the leading name in the production of scientific calculators. It has kept the lead and even today produces scientific calculators of the finest quality. 

Some of the initial scientific calculators produced by HP were HP-12C, HP-48, HP-35 etc. HP-35 was the first pocket calculator that HP produced. Currently, the major names in the production of scientific calculators along with HP are Casio, Sharp, Canon, TI, etc. Each of them is striving to get the best to the customers.  

The Features

These calculators in the initial days were used only for basic calculations and had big limitations. But now, evolution in calculator technology is speedier than it used to be previously. Scientific calculators, because of their features, hold a distinct place amongst the range of calculators. It can perform a number of functions. Some of the features of it are scientific notation, log calculations, trigonometric solutions, exponential functions, etc. It can work on fractions, matrix calculations, and many other calculations. Because of these features, it is used by a range of people for different jobs. Its features are the result of sophistication, advancement, and strife for the best. 

It is to the credit of exponential and algorithm features that it is used in engineering problems and architecture planning. Order of operations is another bonus feature that might be included in your calculator, based on the model. You can solve equations with two unknown variables using a scientific calculator. This problem can’t be solved with a standard calculator. It may give either of the two values wrong. 

The square root is another amazing feature that is included in scientific calculators. It is one of the least sophisticated features of scientific calculators. It can work on more complex equations and give precise answers. Calculation of tangent, sine, cosine functions’ related questions can be solved by a scientific calculator with precision. 

A scientific calculator is a modern solution to modern problems. It is a dedicated calculator that is specifically helpful in science, math, and tech. It can also be used for business purposes, but it is not specifically made for those jobs. Better calculators can be found for that.   

Final Say

The invention of calculators can’t be attributed to a single person or group of people. The modern calculator has come into being after the efforts that were made for thousands of years. Now we can use the products of those efforts making our life easy. Each of those inventors holds an important place in history. The calculator went through a lot of changes, and one of the products of these changes was the scientific calculator. It can be used for various purposes and is evolving day by day. If you are professional and need one to make your work comfortable, then don’t miss the opportunity.


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